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Cary 500  UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer​ (Refurbished)
Varian CARY-500 is a Research-Grade UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer which comes with an internal DRA(Diffuse Reflectance Accessory, 200nm~2,500nm) or an internal SRA(Specular Reflectance Accessory) in your choice. This CARY-500 is versatile Near-IR instrument that can be fitted in all types of research purpose and sample application including lens/thin film analysis.


 기본 사양
*Spectral Range: 175 nm~2,500 nm or 175 nm~3,300 nm
*Precision: <0.1 nm
*Reproducibility: <0.025, <0.1 (NIR)
*A Rear Beam Attenuator is available (an option)

 Cary 500 장비 내부 구성도